The ISD 2024 company catalogue is now available online. Registered participants can send their business meeting requests and validate 1-on-1 meetings as of today. Meet new partners and collaborators at the Industry Space Days at ESA/ESTEC (Noordwijk, The Netherlands) on 18-19 September.
How do I arrange 1-on-1 meetings?
The complete ISD company catalogue with all its features is accessible to registered participants. If you are not signed up to the event yet, start your ISD registration here. After a successful registration, you will receive your login details to the meeting platform within a few days.
To access the catalogue, see all organisations which are taking part and request meetings, please log in to the 1-on-1 meeting platform and click on Catalogue. Click on “request a meeting” to send a request to a potential partner.
You can see all meeting requests sent and received in your My Meetings section. Check this section on a regular basis and accept or decline meeting requests.
Please make sure to send all your requests, and reply to those received, as soon as possible, but before Wednesday, 11 September.
Please note that the system will not send you dedicated email notifications about each request received. It is therefore recommended to log in on a regular basis.
You can register for the conference presentations and parallel events via the Programme tab. Slots booked will be blocked in your agenda, so that no 1-on-1 meetings will take place at the same time.
You will receive your ISD agenda, with meetings validated by both parties added, a week prior to the ISD.
To avoid that meetings are scheduled when you are not available, please select the time slots when you will not be present or unable to attend meetings during the ISD in the “My Agenda” section (tab “Add an unavailability”). By default, your availability is set to “all day” for both days.
What’s next?
In the coming weeks, more participants will be added to the catalogue. It is therefore advisable to check for new organisations on a regular basis.
Quick Guide to schedule 1-on-1 meetings:
- Log in to the 1-on-1 meeting platform
- Go to “Catalogue” to see all organisations available for 1-on-1 meetings
- Search, check company profiles and “request a meeting” with organisations via the dedicated button
- Check your own “My Meetings” section to see all requests received, accepted and declined. à Do not forget to log in on a regular basis to see new requests which might have come in. You will not receive automatic notifications by email.
- Check the “Programme” section and sign-up to those presentations and parallel sessions you are interested in.
- One week before the ISD, you will receive your ISD Agenda with all meetings scheduled (those validated by both parties) as well as presentations and parallel sessions added. Additional meetings can be added during the event.
Communication Kit
The ISD organisers have compiled a communication kit for participants. Use the images provided to let others know about your participation to the event.